Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/117718 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 103496 Is associated with date 1928 Is associated with place 131385 Carrier extent B/N Descriptive note Iglesia San Miguel; L.Roisin; Puertas; Vitoria-Gasteiz (Araba/Álava) 1 Fotografía(s) Tarjeta Postal Papel (colotipo) Identificador ES.01059.AHPA.POS.02831 Scope and content Vitoria. Puerta de la Iglesia de San Miguel Título Alava, Vitoria. Puerta de la Iglesia de San Miguel Has author Roisin, Lucien (1884-1943) --