Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/235909 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 17238 Is associated with date 19871023 Descriptive note 2tik 2. erreportajea Reportaje 2 de 2 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.LYP.NP135.00568.02 Título Diputación. Juntas Generales (1987), 2 Aldundia. Batzar Nagusiak (1987), 2 Has author 278659 278660 -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/235908 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 17238 Is associated with date 19871023 Descriptive note 2tik 1. erreportajea Reportaje 1 de 2 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.LYP.NP135.00568.01 Título Diputación. Juntas Generales (1987), 1 Aldundia. Batzar Nagusiak (1987), 1 Has author 278659 278660 --