Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/287016 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 15918 Included in 5117 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Album de origen: 10 (1982-1984) Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.ALF.PP.01877-01885 Scope and content Estas fotos fueron solicitadas como recuerdo del seguimiento de la impresión del Almanaque de Pared de 1985 Título Visita del Sr. Bousa y Sr. Jean Bons de la empresa holandesa VAN OMMEREN -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246139 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024837 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "Prudencio Lafuente" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246136 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024732 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "Eugenio Martínez de San Vicente" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246135 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Farmacéutico, calle Dato" Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024710 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "Ernesto Zulueta" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246134 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024683 Scope and content Retrato de pareja Título "Lucila Ríos" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246133 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Padre de Anchón (sic) Sáez de Santamaría, empleado abogado de Diputación. Era hijo de don Valentín, famoso abogado" Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024676 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "Antonio Sáez de Santamaría" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246132 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024656 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Manuel Arana" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246131 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024599 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Jesús Larrazabal" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246130 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Padre de Gerardo López de Guereñu (Galarraga) … " Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024487 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "Antonio López de Guereñu" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246129 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024332 Scope and content Retrato de pareja Título "Gonzalo Cacho" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246128 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024279 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "José Urrutia" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246127 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024179 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Marcelina Azcorregui" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246126 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024128 Scope and content Retrato de mujer Título "Ángeles Gómez Balugera" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246125 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024056 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Elena María Latorre" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246124 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.024007 Scope and content Retrato de pareja Título "Ana María Jalón" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246123 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Tíos de Enrique, Gorka, Román, etc. Éstos eran vinoteros (sic) de calle Castilla, ahora (en) calle Angulema." Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023972 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Marcelo Knörr" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246122 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023870 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Francisco Larramendi" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246121 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023867 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Vicente Quintana" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246120 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023837 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Constancia Ingunza (sic)" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246119 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Señorita Rabanera, tía del presidente de la Diputación (2ª) - Josefina Ezquerra (4ª)" Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023800 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Josefina Ezquerra" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246118 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Carmen Pascual, viuda de Varela (4ª)" Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023785 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Carmen Pascual" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246117 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023754 Scope and content Retrato de pareja Título "Francisco Ruiz" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246116 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023705 Scope and content Retrato de niña Título "María Estivariz Uriarte" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246115 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Hijo de Jesús Guinea (arquitecto). Él es también arquitecto. Vive en (la) calle San Antonio, junto al puente." Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023453 Scope and content Retrato de niño Título "Enrique Guinea" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246114 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note https://pares.mcu.es/ParesBusquedas20/catalogo/autoridad/168672 Figura la anotación: "Bibliotecario del Instituto, profesor y falangista, mutilado. Su esposa fue jefa de la JONS, falangista de Vitoria, era Amelia Santurtun" Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023433 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Antonio Mañueco" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246113 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023378 Scope and content Retrato de niño Título "Aurelio Salazar" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246112 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023340 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "Samuel Amescua" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246111 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Vivieron en la calle Francia nº 44, hijos de Paco Galdos, que trabajo en (la fábrica) Aranzabal. El alto estuvo en Aviación y vivió en Málaga. Hermanos de Paco y Amador; éstos trabajaron en Aranzabal. Tienen una hermana con un comerc Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023339 Scope and content Retrato de pareja Título "Carlos Galdos" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246110 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Hija de Luis Dorao, periodista" Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023105 Scope and content Retrato de niña Título "María Pilar Dorao" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246109 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.023051 Scope and content Retrato de pareja Título "Julio López" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246108 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022939 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "José Manuel Rueda" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246107 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022928 Scope and content Retrato de pareja Título "Gabriela Valle" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246106 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022889 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Acción Católica Colegio Corazonistas" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246105 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022857 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "Francisco Prat" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246104 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022819 Scope and content Retrato de mujer Título "María Ortiz" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246103 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Alcalde vitoriano, muy querido por la juventud de su época de mandato, 1941-1943" Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022800 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "José Lejarreta Salterain" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246102 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Alfredo Armentia, 6º (¿arriba, desde la izquierda?). Director de (la) Escuela Comercio y director (de la) Caja Rural de calle Postas" Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022788 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Acción Católica Colegio Marianistas" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246101 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022711 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "José Antonio Aranzabal" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246100 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022666 Scope and content Retrato de joven Título "Rosario Erenchun" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246099 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022664 Scope and content Retrato de mujer Título "Sara Mendizabal" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246098 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022663 Scope and content Retrato de mujer Título "Sara Mendizabal" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246097 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022658 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Antonia Lamariano" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246096 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022657 Scope and content Retrato de pareja Título "Javier Manso de Zuñiga" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246095 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022651 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Paulino Sagredo" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246094 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022602 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "Juan José Díaz de Arcaya" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246093 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022586 Scope and content Retrato de hombre Título "Victor Fernández" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246092 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022566 Scope and content Retrato de mujer Título "Carmen Llano" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246091 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "José Ignacio Viana Menchacatorre, hijo de Dr Viana; fallecido en Barcelona en 1997 ò 1998" Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022559 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "José Ignacio Viana" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246090 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022539 Scope and content Retrato de pareja Título "Juan Pedro Arregui" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246089 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Descriptive note Figura la anotación: "Madre de Gorka, Enrique, Román y nueve más, cerveceros" Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022435 Scope and content Retrato de pareja Título "Señora de Román Knörr" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246088 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022431 Scope and content Retrato de mujer Título "Maria Cruz Arcelay" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246087 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022353 Scope and content Retrato de mujer Título "Fidela Aspe" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246086 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022294 Scope and content Retrato de grupo Título "Agustín Ozaeta" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246085 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022291 Scope and content Retrato de mujer Título "Elisa Ozaeta" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/246084 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCR.NP.022171 Scope and content Retrato de niña Título "Pilar Lizarralde" -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/139884 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 45268 Is associated with date 19400000 19600000 Is associated with place 139663 Iruraiz-Gauna Gauna Carrier extent Papel b/n, 12x9 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.GUE.CD.02210 Scope and content Vista general del pueblo de Maeztu; en primer término, una fuente de estilo barroco y varias casas. Al fondo, la torre campanario y en primer término, dos personas Vista de Maeztu Título Vista (MAESTU) -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/99272 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 19500000 1950 Descriptive note Edificio de viviendas en construcción en la calle Florida Sign originales: Rollo 35mm, n° 883 Sign copias: Carpeta 164 - Positivos 23559 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCH.PC.23559 Título Edificio de viviendas en construcción en la calle Florida (1950) -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/71428 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 45268 Is associated with date 19400000 19600000 Aproximadamente de 1940 a 1960 Carrier extent Tipo de imagen: Positivos Imagen Final: Plata; C; Descriptive note Nº de identificación: 12976 Duplicado del negativo: 1892 Duplicado del positivo: 1892; Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.GUE.CD.12976 Scope and content Panorámica de Berrosteguieta desde la perspectiva norte del pueblo. Destaca la silueta de la iglesia parroquial de Santa Eulalia; Vista de Berrosteguieta Título Vista (BERROSTEGUIETA) -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/47469 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 45268 Is associated with date 19400000 19550000 1940-1955, aproximada. Is associated with place 139577 139776 Villarreal de Álava Elosu Carrier extent Tipo de imagen: Positivos Imagen Final: Plata; Color; Descriptive note Nº de identificación: 1120 Duplicado del negativo: 1705 Duplicado del; positivo: 1705 Positivo original: 1120; Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.GUE.CD.01120 Scope and content Vista frontal de un puente de construcción moderna, sustentado por gruesos pilares. Al fondo, el caserío Garraztegi. El caserío quedó bajo el pantano de Urrúnaga, cuyos vecinos abandonaron el lugar a principios de 1956. Puente y caserío Garraztegi en los alrededores de Elosu Título Puente (ELOSU) -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/35198 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 1940 Is associated with place 131385 Descriptive note Sign originales: Cristal 10x15, n° 517 Sign copias: Carpeta 163 - Positivos 23249 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCH.PC.23249 Scope and content Vista aérea de Vitoria encargado por la Diputación: sur Título Vista aérea de Vitoria encargado por la Diputación: sur (1940) -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/35197 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 1940 Is associated with place 131385 Descriptive note Sign originales: Cristal 10x15, n° 516 Sign copias: Carpeta 163 - Positivos 23248 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCH.PC.23248 Scope and content Foto aérea de Vitoria encargado por la Diputación: oeste Título Foto aérea de Vitoria encargado por la Diputación: oeste (1940) -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/35196 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 1940 Is associated with place 131385 Descriptive note Sign originales: Cristal 10x15, n° 515 Sign copias: Carpeta 163 - Positivos 23247 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCH.PC.23247 Scope and content Fotoplano de Vitoria y su término campanil de la CEFTA: este. Encargado por la Diputación Título Fotoplano de Vitoria y su término campanil de la CEFTA: este (1940) -- Url https://photo.araba.eus/s/photoaraba/item/35195 Clase de recurso rico:Record Licencia https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Has content of type 3 Has record set type 122803 Included in 11847 Is associated with date 19400000 1940 Is associated with place 131385 Descriptive note Sign originales: Cristal 10x15, n° 514 Sign copias: Carpeta 163 - Positivos 23246 Identificador ES.01059.ATHA.SCH.PC.23246 Scope and content Foto aérea de Vitoria: zona este. Encargado por la Diputación Título Foto aérea de Vitoria: zona este (1940) --